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Certified Payment Security Practitioner(CPSP)

  • 24 May 2021
  • 09:00
  • 27 May 2021
  • 13:00
  • Virtual


  • Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training for (ISC)2 Miami Chapter Members
  • Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) Training for Non (ISC)2 Miami Chapter members

Once again, we're pleased to offer this Certified Payment Security Practitioner (CPSP) training. The CPSP training will cover the entire payment ecosystem and the latest PCI DSS standard which will help participants in understanding the intent and objective of each PCI DSS requirement The CPSP training will also provide participants with a platform where they can understand a PCI QSA’s (Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor) perspective of validating a PCI DSS requirement.

The CPSP training will provide participants a hands on experience of implementing PCI DSS compliance program through case studies and examples


  • Building a framework for securing payment card data
  • Guidance to professionals for protecting customer data
  • Ensuring security and not just compliance
  • Going beyond the traditional checklist based approach for security
  • Taking a risk based approach to implement security controls
  • Winning end customer ’s trust

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