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Certified Web Application Security Professional (CWASP).

  • 12 Jun 2023
  • 09:00
  • 14 Jun 2023
  • 13:00
  • Virtual


  • CWASP for (ISC)2 South Florida Chapter Members
    (Does not apply for Newsletter-only subscribers)
  • CPFA for Non - (ISC)2 South Florida Chapter Members
  • The South Florida Chapter sponsors the first members to register for this training sessions

Special incentive from your South Florida Chapter: The first members to register won't have to pay!!!

The (ISC)2 South Florida Chapter and Network Intelligence are pleased to offer this training:

The CWASP (Certified Web Application Security Professional) training focuses on comprehensive web application security coverage, presenting security guidelines and considerations in web application development.

The participants will learn the basics of application security, how to enforce security on a web application, the Basics of Threat Modelling, Threat Profiling, OWASP Top Ten Testing, Black Box Testing, and Source Code Reviews.

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