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Careers in Cyber Security

19 Feb 2021 15:22 | Arturo Santos (Administrator)

Careers In Cybersecurity 

(By reciprocity labs for the (ISC)2 Miami Chapter)

A report published by the Identity Theft Resource Center shows that the number of data breaches in the U.S. as of 2017 stood at over 1,500, up by 45% from 2016. It is no wonder the number of cybersecurity jobs is set to increase. Here are some of the top careers in cybersecurity you should consider.

1. Security Software Developer

A security software developer is involved in building security software. These developers also integrate security in applications software during the development and design phase. A security software developer is charged with supervising developers and guiding them in the production of security software applications.

The professional should also be involved from the inception of software systems until the software is made available to customers. Security software developers should also test their final products for weaknesses and come up with solutions to address these vulnerabilities.

2. Ethical Hackers

Ethical hackers have a CEH certificate and will infiltrate the security of a business to simulate the behavior of hackers. An ethical hacker usually adopts the same methods used by black hat hackers to determine the strength of a company’s security standards. An ethical hacker is also involved with upgrading a company’s existing security protocols.

3. Computer Forensics Analysts

A forensic analyst deals with cyber-crime. This professional liaises with law enforcement agencies to perform different tasks. These include:

      Recovering deleted information

      Interpreting criminal-related information

      Following data trails

      Analyzing phone records

A computer forensic analyst needs to provide a report on their assessment. Their reports may act as evidence in court cases.

4. Penetration Tester

Penetration testing involves the use of testing methods on a computer system to determine any vulnerability. Like an ethical hacker, a penetration tester will try to hack into an organization to discover any vulnerabilities and problems. Penetration testers use different tools to hack into a business’s system. They are also required to provide a report of their findings.

5. Security Architect Career Path

These professionals deal with creating, building, and executing, computer and network security for a business. This position requires high problem-solving skills. A security architect will develop a complex security framework and test its effectiveness. A security architect designs systems that guarantee cloud security.

Although cloud solutions may be convenient, they make you vulnerable to many security threats. This is why a security architect helps businesses integrate cloud security in their disaster recovery and risk management plans. Their frameworks address online security threats such as DDoS attacks, malware, and viruses.

6. Chief Information Security Officer

The Chief Information Security Officer deals with managing the operations of a business’s IT security department. The professional deals with planning, coordinating, and managing an organization’s computer, network, and data security needs. The CISO is also charged with recruiting staff of security personnel. This role requires a good knowledge of IT security architecture.

7. IT Security Consultant

IT security executives liaise with clients and instruct them on the best way to maintain high cybersecurity standards. These professionals are in demand among smaller agencies that do not have the staff to handle their security issues. They may also work to reinforce the security teams of large organizations.

8. Security Systems Administrator

A security systems administrator deals with installing, administering, and maintaining computer, network, and security systems. The security systems administrator is in charge of tasks such as backing up data, setting up and maintaining user accounts, and systems monitoring. The professional is also concerned with the formation of organizational security protocols.

9. Information Security Analyst

An information security analyst is mainly concerned with protecting networks. These professionals set up firewalls and encryption to protect a company against breaches. The analyst will also monitor and audit a business’ system for unusual behavior.

In Conclusion

There is a world of opportunity for any person willing to join the broad field of cybersecurity. With the rise of cybercrime, it is becoming essential for many organizations to hire cybersecurity personnel to keep their systems and data safe. Many businesses have found the need to hire penetration testers to fix vulnerabilities in their systems, malware analysts to find malicious programs, security systems administrators to ensure effective security protocols are in place, and other cybersecurity officials. Therefore, this is a lucrative career path for anyone who wants to contribute to the world of cybersecurity.

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